I, as all of us do, have a number of idiosyncracies. One of mine is that I hate, and am awful at, asking people to pay attention to me and fuss over me and make a big deal out of me (or even a medium-sized deal) but I love, love, love it when they do because I am not someone who is able to really ask for others' attention or make any sized kind of deal out of myself at all...personally, that is. Professionally it is an entirely different story and if I am teaching you about the subject and the predicate, the numerator and the denominator what we are doing is very important and you need to pay attention and stop talking and sit down please. But personally it is hard for me and when people recognize this and are able to walk the fine and sometimes shifting line of paying gentle, no-big-deal attention to me without me having to ask I am so grateful I don't even really know how to say thank you.
So I write this post to offer my deepest appreciation and gratitude to everyone I saw, heard from, talked to, and celebrated with who helped make my birthday such a great day yesterday:
Rebecca for our field trip to yoga class, the Blue Bottle Coffee, the necklace I'm going back to get at Atomic Garden, brunch at Venus, the notes on my napkin and take-out box, the cards and the hipster restaurant selection in Temescal, the SuperHero!!! necklace that I have always wanted but couldn't pick out for myself, the limitless hospitality and basically being my best friend always
Mark for making coffee, not being so so mad that Rebecca and I got back from brunch late, suggesting Cafe De La Paz when Dona Tomas had an hour-long wait for a table, the great card with heartfelt wishes inside and owls on the front
Aubrie for her photo SMS of a Happy Birthday Sarah! picture, her plans to drive to North Berkeley so I didn't have to take the BART to Fruitvale, her understanding of my wardrobe uncertainty, her flexibility to meet and celebrate another time before I go, her reminders and reassurances that while some things are messy and complicated and confusing right now others are much improved over last year and (a flashback thanks) her cupcakes last year which just absolutely made my entire day, and being my other best friend because a girl should get to have as many best friends as possible I think!
Wes for his SMS, his email, and his suggestion that we go eat wherever *I* wanted to go
Sofia for singing Happy Birthday to me over the phone including the "you look like a monkey and you smell like one too" line, and for recommending the Elephant Bar at Bay Street for dinner
my Grandma for being so persevering as to call twice from DeKalb, Illinois, and then chatting with me for almost half an hour about everything even though it was late at her house by the time I called her back
my aunt Mary Jean who also called twice from Seattle, Washington, and with whom I also had a nice long wonderful birthday talk
my cousin Kristine who called from Chicago
my brother Nathan, my sister-in-teeth Kelli, and my nephew Henry who called, sent a card, sent a package, sent photos, and generally loved me up
Ryley, Hana, Esther, Ann, Dana, and Marty who all used the highly modern networking tool Facebook to send me birthday wishes
Jason (was that you who called and left me voicemail?!?! I couldn't really hear your message but it sounded like you and my phone was off and you didn't leave your number or if you did I could not hear it and I'll look in my email to try and find it but my old phone was so dead I couldn't get any contact information off it so I don't have your 415 number or know how to call you back but I want to talk to you!!!), one of the finest educators and colleagues and friends I have known who I still, three and a half years later, miss terribly and adore completely and am not nearly as good at being in touch with as I should be but it's hard sometimes when you miss someone so much....
Jim who much to my profound surprise considering the fact that we have not been in touch in years sent me a late-night birthday greetings email
Rebecca M who left me a sweet note and who I will just miss seeing here in the Bay Area when she and Michael come to visit very soon :(
And, in advance today, to Matt with whom I'm having lunch and Ryan with whom I'm having dinner
Thank you to everyone who made my birthday, splashed down right here in the middle of my three weeks in the Western Hemisphere, a very happy and special and fun and memorable day for me! I appreciate all you did, even though it is hard for me to say so sometimes.