Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Year's Day

Some people say that the way you spend the first day of the new year is an indicator of the ways you'll spend the next twelve months. If that is true I am in for a great 2008 because my day today was filled with:

*sleeping peacefully and very late, and not even feeling guilty about it

*eating a delicious breakfast with someone I enjoy very much

*standing my ground firmly in an awkward conversation, being brave to say what I wanted to have happen, and getting what I wanted in the end because I knew it was the right thing even though it made others uncomfortable and one person especially quite annoyed

*having people give me money

*an even more delicious lunch alone while reading the paper

*adventurously taking the intercity bus to a brand-new destination

*spending the afternoon and evening at the family home of a good friend and colleague of mine in gorgeous surroundings on a kibbutz in the country

*making it in plenty of time to the nearest bus "station", a hut on the side of the road, to catch the #434 back to Jerusalem

*feeling worried when I actually stopped to realize that it was dark and freezing and I was standing all alone on the side of the freeway waiting for a bus, then reassured when the bus came into sight

*taking a shower with plenty of warm water, an unusual event in our house not just on holidays but really any day of the year

*going to bed early (well early for me...)

If these things foretell the year that lies ahead of me, I would say my 2008 is going to be a very calm, plentiful, and affirming one indeed. I hope so because all I can say is that it's about time, already.

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