On the second day of Chanukah I went with Dana on a tiyul, a field trip, around Jerusalem in the quest to find the ultimate sufganiot. These boiled-in-oil doughnuts, commonly found stateside covered in granulated sugar and filled with a jelly that can only be described as "red", are a traditional food of the holiday and have become nothing short of an absolute gourmet delicacy in Israel. Here is a photo of our first four selections, of which I ate fully half of each one. The two on top were my favorite. On the left: chocolate filled, covered in frosting and sprinkles and prominently featuring Pop Rocks (!) as an ingredient...and on the right: standard vanilla buttercream filled, with chocolate frosting and a dollop of whipped cream. The two on the bottom were the ones Dana liked best. On the left: Hazelnut filled, topped with white chocolate frosting and diced Chinese pecans...and on the right: something something coconut and rum, I do not remember because I was too busy with my Pop Rocks.
Later in the day, after a walk to try and bring our blood sugar down, we went and ate four more in a bakery by the shuk. Afterwards we made our way to Village Green and had huge salads to try and prevent ourselves from going into complete hyperglycemic shock but it didn't really work. I was sick as anything. That night I ate a dinner of spinach, tofu, and lentils hoping that would begin to swing my system in the other direction but it took a few days to fully recover. No wonder my pants don't quite fit the same anymore.
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