Don't I look sneaky and mean? The knee-high lace-up black leather boots and studded black leather cuffs that I added as menacing accessories to the $9.50 Goodwill black dress I found on University Avenue yesterday seemed to muddy the waters for adults trying to figure out who I was supposed to be, but the kids all knew me right away.
In case you could not guess, I was Miss Viola Swamp for Purim this year. Now as a much-beloved South Park episode says, Sit down and study! Shut up or I'll pop you in the mouth!
She can be mean sometimes, that Miss Viola Swamp. When is Miss Nelson coming back?!
1 comment:
The Jawa totally dropped the ball this year for Purim. He ended up wearing a Hawaiian shirt and sunglasses, with fuzzy dice around his neck. "I'm a gambler," he said. Halloween was a bust, too. Is he getting to the age where he just shows up at the door wearing a hooded sweatshirt and carrying a pillowcase, demanding candy?
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