(this is a picture of Heidi and me in the kitchen of the Big House at Esalen--check out my hipster apron! they're certainly not flattering in a body-conscious sort of way but are a must with that much cooking going on)
An email recently arrived in my inbox with the salutation "Hello long lost traveler!" I have not been lost, although I did lose consistent access to the Internet--a problem that continues even to this day--and so it has been almost a month since I wrote. Here's the bullet-point update of what has happened during the past weeks, in no particular order:
•I was planning a two-person trip to India but my travel companion-to-be thought it best not to go.
•I began to plan a solo trip to India but then accidentally got a full-time job for the months of April and May.
•I went to what felt like a million but was actually only four interviews in my search for something new to do in the fall.
•I moved to a new house.
•I found out a very good friend and former colleague of mine is having a baby.
•I angered a few people.
•I made amends with someone important to me.
•I heard from a few voices from my past.
•I celebrated Passover with my new East Bay community.
•I ride my bike to work and back home every day now.
•I put a huge load of stuff back into storage.
•I taught Rebecca's class for a week and a half while she and Mark were on their honeymoon in Italy.
•I lived and cooked at Esalen in Big Sur for awhile.
And the rest, as they say, is history. My days have been quite full--that is one reason I have not written. Also circumstances have not exactly been working in my favor, between my time in Big Sur where there isn't even cell service much less more advanced communication technology to my new house in Berkeley where the wireless password remains a mystery, and as a result I have not had access to the Internet with any consistency. Even as I type this I am shamelessly scamming off one of the neighbors. So, hopefully once that is resolved I will be able to offer somewhat more frequent updates. It's not for lack of material that I haven't written.
Coming soon: more! news! from a traveler who's not so long lost after all.
1 comment:
a full time job! a new house! so exciting! if you don't give a more detailed update on the blog - how about shooting me an e-mail/facebook message with the scoop? i promise to return with details from my much less exciting life.
also... what is this about a good friend and former colleague who is having a baby? you have seriously piqued my curiosity. :)
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