Friday, September 14, 2007

Can You Hear Me Now?

Thinking I was a good problem-solver, and aware of the fact that my current cell phone (dubbed the "Nokiasaurus" by Aubrie because it is so ancient) barely even works here in the Bay Area much less anywhere else in the world, I got online and researched global cell phone use.

I learned about locked and unlocked phones, SIM cards, quad-band GSM, and service programs offered by cellular providers around the world. After days of research I bought a brand-new in-the-unopened-box phone from an electronics "store" on eBay that seemed as if it would meet my every need. Made by Nokia and released just this past spring, my new phone-to-be would do everything from convert my currency to take my picture to wake me up in the morning. Awesome.

When I got home today I saw that it had come in the mail. Excitedly I opened it, skimmed the owner's manual, charged the battery, popped in my old SIM card from the Nokiasaurus, and turned on my slim new piece of modern global communication technology.

Every menu option, every display, every on-screen help text was in...Japanese.


So much for all that research--I am back to square one and back to using my good old Nokiasaurus, for now at least.

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