Sunday, September 30, 2007

Back In The Saddle Again

Tomorrow and the next day I am going to be the substitute teacher in Rebecca's first grade classroom. She is already in New Hampshire preparing for the wedding and I don't leave until Wednesday night so I agreed to teach a few days for her and I am surprised by how much I am looking forward to it. Packing my school bag tonight and picking out my outfit for tomorrow felt comfortable and familiar, two nice ways to feel before leaving in a matter of days on an eight-month round-the-world trip.

Teaching for me feels a little bit like falling off a log: once I get in a classroom or start spending time with a group of kids it is like coming home, it like arriving somewhere known, it is like hearing and speaking a long-abandoned but never-forgotten language. I know from having taught half a day for Rebecca last week that her classroom is a constructivist, creative, respectful and just very *real* environment where kids can be themselves and where I can be my teacher self too.

Now if only I didn't have to get up so early in the morning…

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