Monday, October 15, 2007

Seeing and Being Seen, Or Not: (Not Always A) Small Jewish World

Two interesting things have happened in my world of social networking since arriving in Jerusalem five days ago.

Thirty-six hours after my plane landed I literally ran into one person I knew was here but who I was certain there'd be no way I'd encounter. I had not seen or spoken with her in probably three years. We shared a meal, a crazy bus ride, a walk in the rain, and a taxi Saturday night. I have no idea when I will see or hear from her again.

I'd spent much of the week in New Hampshire prior to my arrival with someone more than fabulous whom I had met on my first trip to Jerusalem in 2004 and seen a few times since then while here in Israel. Despite an autumn-in-New-England rainy-day conversation while watching ping pong during which we made plans to meet this past Shabbat he has not called, sent email, or materialized in any other way. I do not think I will end up seeing him after all. Disappointing.

Both these examples fall into the catch-all category of explanations for anything unusual that happens here: "only in Israel..."

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