Monday, December 10, 2007

A Packing Update: Things I Wish I'd Brought With Me But Didn't Know I Would Want So I Left Them In Berkeley Or Put Them In Storage

1. hand-me-down JCrew jeans and grey Stanford sweatshirt, rescued from the Lost and Found

2. black zip-up hoodie

3. more wool sweaters now that it is cold and I shrank one of the two I did actually pack

4. additional toiletries since I paid an hour's worth of my salary, the equivalent of $17.50, for a bottle of contact solution last week

5. another journal since mine is almost full

6. my necklace with the tree charm from an artists' sale at the Half Moon Bay Pumpkin Festival (why do I want this right now? no reasonable explanation...)

7. my green Nalgene water bottle from REI

8. gloves

9. an umbrella

10. Rebecca and Mark

11. Aubrie, Wes, and Sofia

12. Batshir

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

j.crew jeans and green nalgene bottle are here and can be sent, along with contact solution or anything else you might need from long's (but i refuse to go to walgreens). i wish we could pack ourselves along too, but that would probably violate some sort of interational postal situation. i am glad you have pierre.