Last week it was not until I read it in the pages of the International Herald Tribune that I realized Thanksgiving was upon us. As the only American in the house I was nominated to prepare this massive meal as a show of global, gastronomic goodwill to my French, Norwegian, and Polish/Israeli housemates.
We went to the shuk and we went to the grocery store and good thing we are not a Shabbat-observant household because I cooked all day last Saturday. Finally around 7:30 I proudly sat my international household down to a traditional holiday meal, American-style:
*roasted red peppers, courtesy of Chana
*steamed green beans with mushroom sauce
*baked yams with brown sugar streusel topping
*stuffing, Israeli-ized with fresh pomegranante
*pumpkin pie, courtesy of Kenneth
*and....baked basil-lemon tofu instead of a bird. What can I say? I'm a kosher-style vegetarian now and our kitchen could not withstand the complications of using two sets (meat and dairy) of pans, plates, silverware, and everything at once.
It was delicious and everyone was very admiring of my work and that of my sous-chef, Kenneth. We went around the table and said what we were thankful for, and then we cleared the table and left for the night at 10:30. It was mozai Shabbat after all, you want to waste the one night a week you can actually go out?
See the pictures here on flickr. If you are not a member, become one! It's easy. One project for this weekend is moving all my pictures there so people can see them. The process of trying to paste them all into entries here is just too complicated. So, look forward to more photos from other events soon!
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