Sunday, November 11, 2007

Falling Behind, Catching On

It has been a few days since I have written with news of my adventure and anyone who checks in with any regularity knows that means I am falling behind.

In truth I think I am writing this post not to tell you that I am catching up but rather that I am catching on...catching on to real life in Jerusalem, to setting up a schedule for myself, to doing ulpan homework and making enormous delicious salads for Motzai Shabbat dinner and lying in a hammock as the sun sets watching bare branches make shadowed patterns against the pale November sky.

So yes: I have stories of supplies request lists submitted to be airlifted from Walgreens to East Jerusalem, of non-verbal Arab haircuts, of the amazing Keshet School I went to see today, of Jerusalem's first autumn rainstorm, of going halfway around the world to eat the oh-so-American Ben and Jerry's with a not-so-new Israeli friend...but for now there is Hebrew homework to be done and laundry to be hung up on the new fold-out indoor drying rack and dinner to be had at the home of family down the street. Falling behind in writing, catching on in life. I'll catch up here soon enough.

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