"They are," I admitted, sheepish at having gotten caught being messy when I am the one in our household constantly encouraging others to pick up after themselves. "I will put them away before I go to school."
Unconcerned about my tidiness and now totally distracted from the process of putting his own shoes on, Edan was thinking about something else entiretly. "Those shoes look like the perfect teacher shoes--so comfortable. Are they?"
"Totally comfortable," I affirmed.
Nodding with satisfaction that his perception had been correct, Edan returned to lacing up his sneakers. "That's so nice that they let you keep your teacher shoes and bring them here to Israel even though you're not working at Brandeis this year," he said. And I quote...
As if somehow Danskos are school-issued to teachers, like textbooks or laptops or soccer uniforms are to students. Great idea, actually, if you ask me.
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